Effects of endocrine disruptors on ovarian function

Effects of endocrine disruptors on ovarian function

Effects of endocrine disruptors on ovarian function

The team works on endocrine disruptors effects, especially on bisphenol effects, on the ovary. Both human and animals are exposed to bisphenol. Indeed, bisphenols are plasticizers used in the food industry and the exposure to such molecules occurs through the diet. Rodent models, classically used in toxicology studies are not representative of the human species and livestock, because rodents are naturally resistant to numerous toxic chemicals, including bisphenols. Bisphenol A is now forbidden in the food industry, due to its deletarious effects on both male and female reproduction. Because of the emergence of bisphenol A structural analogs, the team focus on bisphenol S and its ovarian effects, following either an acute or chonic exposure, and using both human and ewe models (Bemol, funding Région Centre Val de Loire APR IR, 2018-2020 ; FertiPhénol, funding Agence de la BioMédecine, 2019-2021 ; Mambo, funding ANR, 2019-2022).

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Contact : sebastien.elis[@]inrae.fr
